Partida Bautismo Agustín Raymundo Galindo Lajunza (M8)

Partida Bautismo Agustín Raymundo Galindo Lajunza
File not found.
Format jpg
External File d:/Antonio/Genealogía/Partidas Familia/Agustín Raymundo Galindo Lajunza.jpg

Libro II, Folio 157Vto.
Unrecognized GEDCOM Code: _DATE30-08-1770
This is an error, and we would like to fix it. Please report this error to Antonio J. Emperador Sau.
Highlighted ImageYes
Media Type PHOTO
Format JPG
Type Other
Title Partida Bautismo Agustín Raymundo Galindo Lajunza

The image relates to:

IDRecordGIVNLast Changeby
I379Galindo Lajunza, Agustín Raymundo Agustín Raymundo2 April 2007 - 5:33:00pm 
Given Names

Total Names: 1